1. | Evaluation of Liver Biopsy Results in Chronic Hepatitis B Patients Nilgün Söğütçü, Şafak Kaya doi: 10.5505/vtd.2020.68889 Van Med J 2020; 27 - 4 | Pages 403 - 406
2. | Erythema annulare centrifugum: A case report Sema Elibüyük Aksaç, Feyza Demir doi: 10.5505/vtd.2020.89266 Van Med J 2020; 27 - 3 | Pages 349 - 352
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8. | Retrospective evaluation of hospitalizations in our intensive care units resulting in death in one year period Enes Bülbül, Gülten Arslan, Banu Eler Çevik doi: 10.5505/vtd.2020.70846 Van Med J 2020; 27 - 3 | Pages 302 - 312
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16. | The Prevalence of sexual dysfunction in Parkinson's Disease Aydın Çağaç, Abdullah Gul, Aysel Milanlıoğlu, Vedat CILINGIR doi: 10.5505/vtd.2021.37974 Van Med J 2021; 28 - 1 | Pages 128 - 132
17. | Isolation of Human Cumulus Granulosa Cells Murat Serkant Ünal, Cihan Kabukçu doi: 10.5505/vtd.2022.20805 Van Med J 2022; 29 - 1 | Pages 84 - 89
18. | Our Clinical Experiments of Peptic Ulcer Perforation with Literature Approache TOLGA KALAYCI, ÜMİT HALUK İLİKLERDEN doi: 10.5505/vtd.2020.27122 Van Med J 2020; 27 - 3 | Pages 335 - 339
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20. | Relationship Between Smoking and Secondary Polycythemia in Adolescents Nergiz Öner, Gürses Şahin, Şule Yeşil, Burçak Kurucu Bilgin, Emre Çapkınoğlu, Azize Ceren Kılcı, Şeyma Ünüvar Gök, Ali Fettah doi: 10.5505/vtd.2022.54521 Van Med J 2022; 29 - 2 | Pages 207 - 211