E-ISSN: 2587-0351 | ISSN: 1300-2694

Information to the Authors

Copyright Agreement and Authorship Acknowledgement
ICMJE Potential Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form
Writing Notes for Authors
Article Retraction Form
Sample Article Structure

Submission and Review Process for the Journal:
Initial Submission: Authors should read the sub-headings in the main headings of "About the Journal" and "Ethic Issues" before submitting their research articles.

Guidelines for Study Types: Different types of studies should follow specific guidelines:

  • Randomized studies should adhere to CONSORT.
  • Observational studies should follow STROBE.
  • Systematic reviews should use PRISMA guidelines.
  • Case reports should follow CARE guidelines.
Online Submission: Article submission, including all related documents (ethics committee approval, title page, images, figures, etc.), as well as the peer review and editorial processes, are handled through the online article submission system. Correspondence must be conducted through this channel, and submissions by email will not be answered.

Peer Review Process: All submitted manuscripts undergo a thorough peer-review process, considering originality, methodology, quality, ethical standards, and suitability for publication.

Double-Blind Review: Articles submitted to the Van Medical Journal undergo double-blind (author-referee) evaluation, with at least two expert referees assessing the scientific content.

Possible Decisions: After peer review, possible decisions include Acceptance, minor revision, major revision, or rejection. It's important to note that a request for revision does not guarantee acceptance.

Evaluation Process:
  • Initial Screening: Upon receiving a manuscript, the editorial office conducts an initial screening to ensure that it meets the journal's basic requirements, such as adherence to submission guidelines, formatting standards, and ethical guidelines. Manuscripts that do not meet these requirements may be returned to the authors without undergoing further review.
  • Editorial Assessment: The Editor-in-Chief or handling editor evaluates the manuscript to determine its suitability for peer review. This assessment considers factors such as the manuscript's relevance to the journal's scope, the significance of the research findings, and the overall quality of the writing and presentation. Manuscripts that pass this initial assessment proceed to the peer review stage.
  • Peer Review: The manuscript is sent to expert reviewers in the field for evaluation. Peer reviewers provide feedback on various aspects of the manuscript, including its methodology, results, interpretation, and contribution to the field. Reviewers may also assess the manuscript's clarity, organization, and adherence to scholarly standards. Based on the reviewers' comments, the Associate Editor or handling editor makes an editorial decision, which may include acceptance, rejection, or a request for revisions.
  • Decision Making: The Associate Editor or handling editor evaluates the reviewers' comments and makes an editorial decision based on their recommendations, along with their own assessment of the manuscript. The decision is communicated to the authors along with any feedback or suggestions for revisions.
  • Revisions (if necessary): If the manuscript is accepted with revisions, the authors are typically asked to revise their manuscript according to the reviewers' and editor's feedback. Authors are expected to address all concerns raised during the review process and improve the manuscript's clarity, accuracy, and scholarly rigor.
  • Final Decision: After the authors submit their revised manuscript, the Associate Editor or handling editor evaluates the revisions to ensure that they adequately address the reviewers' and editor's concerns. Depending on the extent of revisions and the manuscript's overall quality, a final decision is made to either accept the manuscript for publication or reject it.
  • Publication: Accepted manuscripts undergo final formatting and proofreading before being published in the journal. Once published, the manuscript becomes part of the scholarly record and is accessible to the broader academic community.
Additional Notes:
  • Incompatibilities with spelling rules can cause delays in the process.
  • For articles from Van Yuzuncu Yil University faculties, guest editors and external referees may be appointed if necessary.
  • Articles sent by the Editor-in-Chief or members of the editorial board may involve the appointment of a guest editor from outside the board.
  • The time for acceptance or rejection decisions varies between 2-6 months based on referee feedback.
The International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) has established specific criteria for authorship in scholarly work, particularly in medical journals. These criteria are as follows:
  1. Substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work, or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work AND
  2. Drafting the work or revising it critically for important intellectual content AND
  3. Giving final approval for the version to be published AND
  4. Agreeing to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.
In addition to being accountable for the parts of the work they have contributed to an author should be able to identify which co-authors are responsible for specific other parts of the work. This means that authors should have confidence in the integrity of their co-authors' contributions.

It's important to note that all individuals designated as authors should meet all four of these criteria, and all individuals who meet these four criteria should be identified as authors. These criteria should not be used to disqualify colleagues who do not meet criteria 2 and 3, as they may still meet the first criterion. Therefore, all individuals who meet the first criterion should have the opportunity to participate in the review, drafting, and final approval of the manuscript. This ensures that authorship is based on meaningful and substantial contributions to the work.

Corresponding Author
The corresponding author plays a crucial role in the publication process of a scholarly article, and their responsibilities include:
  • Primary Responsibility: The corresponding author is the primary point of contact for article submission and serves as the main liaison with the journal throughout the publication process.
  • Administrative Requirements: They are responsible for ensuring that all administrative requirements of the journal are properly completed and reported. This includes providing authorship identification, ethics committee approval, clinical trial registration documents, and disclosure of relationships and activities.
  • Delegation of Duties: While some of these duties can be delegated to co-authors, the corresponding author is ultimately accountable for their completion and accuracy.
  • Availability During Peer Review: The corresponding author must be available and responsive during the peer-review process to address any editorial inquiries or requests for revisions in a timely manner.
  • Availability After Publication: Even after the article is published, the corresponding author should be available to address any criticism of the work and cooperate with requests for data or additional information from the journal. This ongoing availability ensures transparency and accountability in the research.
  • In summary, the corresponding author takes on a leadership role in the publication process, ensuring that all requirements are met and facilitating effective communication between the authors and the journal.
Non-Author Contributors
The guidance you've provided pertains to the proper attribution of individuals who have contributed to a research article but do not meet the criteria for authorship. Here's how you should handle this in the article:
  • Contributors Meeting Authorship Criteria: Individuals who meet the criteria for authorship, as outlined in your guidelines, should be listed as authors in the authorship section of the article.
  • Non-Author Contributors: Those who do not meet the criteria for authorship but have made significant contributions to the research should be acknowledged in the "Acknowledgments" section of the article. These contributions could include funding, general supervision of a research group, administrative support, assistance with writing, technical editing, language editing, and proofreading.
You can acknowledge non-author contributors either individually or as a group under a single heading. It is essential to indicate the nature of their contribution. For example, you can list them as "Clinical Researchers" or "Contributing Researchers" and mention their specific contributions, such as "served as a scientific advisor," "critically reviewed the study proposal," "gathered data," "supplied and followed-up study subjects," or "participated in writing or technical editing of the manuscript."

This approach ensures transparency and proper credit to individuals who have played a significant role in the research but do not meet the criteria for authorship.

Change in Author Names
The process of changing author names or the order of authors in a research article should be handled with care to maintain transparency and adhere to proper authorship guidelines. Here are the steps to follow based on your provided instructions:
  • Notification to Editorial Board: If authors wish to make changes to the list of authors or their order in the article, they should submit a written document to the editorial board. This document should be signed by all authors of the paper. In this document, they should also provide a clear and valid reason for the proposed changes. The reason could be related to the addition or removal of authors or rearranging the order based on their contributions.
  • Editorial Board Evaluation: The editorial board will evaluate the request for author name changes and the associated reasons. They will determine whether the changes are justified and conform to ethical and academic standards.
  • Acceptance of Change: If the editorial board accepts the proposed changes, they should communicate this decision to the authors.
  • New Copyright Agreement and Authorship Acknowledgement: In the case of accepted changes, authors should be required to upload a new “Copyright Agreement and Authorship Acknowledgment form”. This is to ensure that all authors, including those newly added or removed, are aware of and agree to their roles, responsibilities, and ethical considerations in the research.
The process ensures that all authors are in agreement with the changes and that proper documentation is maintained. It also helps to prevent issues related to authorship disputes and ensures transparency in author contributions.

Data Sharing
Van Medical Journal's policy on data sharing is in line with the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) recommendations, emphasizing transparency and accessibility of research data. Here are the key points and guidelines related to data sharing as per your provided information:
  • Data Sharing Statement: Authors submitting clinical research to the Van Medical Journal are required to provide a data sharing statement. This statement should be included in the manuscript, even if the authors do not intend to share the data.
  • Mandatory Information: The data sharing statement should cover the following points:
  • Whether individually identified participant data (including data dictionaries) will be shared. The response "undecided" is not acceptable.
  • Specify what data will be shared.
  • Indicate whether relevant documents will be available (e.g., study protocol, statistical analysis plan, etc.).
  • Provide information about when and for how long the data will be available.
  • Describe the access criteria for data sharing, including with whom the data will be shared, for what type of analysis, and by what mechanism.
  • Data Sharing Plan Changes: If there are any changes to the data sharing plan after the online article is uploaded, these changes should be reflected in the data sharing statement submitted and published with the article. This ensures that readers are informed about any modifications to the data sharing process.
  • Examples: Authors can refer to the ICMJE sample table for examples of data sharing statements that meet the specified criteria.
  • Data Repository Options: Data can be uploaded to the online article system or to a suitable data server such as FigShare, Dryad, or a corporate online repository. Proper citation within the article should be provided for easy access to the data.
Van Medical Journal's commitment to data sharing is intended to enhance transparency, reproducibility, and the responsible use of research data. Authors are encouraged to follow these guidelines to facilitate data sharing and make research findings more accessible to the scientific community.

Conflict of Interest
The conflict of interest policy you've described is designed to maintain transparency and objectivity in the editorial and review process of the journal. Here's a summary of the key points related to conflicts of interest:
  • Editor-Author Conflict of Interest: Certain relationships between editors and authors are recognized as conflicts of interest during the editorial process. These include:
    • Colleagues currently working in the same research group or department.
    • Recent co-authors.
    • Doctoral students for whom the editor serves as a committee chair.
  • Author Disclosure: Authors are encouraged to disclose any potential conflicts of interest they may have with the journal editors during the submission process. This disclosure is important to ensure that any conflicts are appropriately managed and addressed.
  • Referee Notification: Reviewers involved in the peer review process are also asked to notify the editor of any potential conflicts of interest they might have. This step is taken to maintain impartiality in the review process.
By identifying and addressing conflicts of interest, the journal aims to uphold the highest standards of ethical conduct in academic publishing and ensure that research articles are evaluated fairly and objectively.

The journal's policy on plagiarism is quite clear and strict. Here are the key points related to plagiarism:

Use of iThenticate Program: Authors are required to use the iThenticate program to check their manuscripts for any instances of plagiarism. iThenticate is a plagiarism detection tool that compares the submitted work against a vast database of academic and non-academic content.

Uploading the Plagiarism Report: Authors must upload the plagiarism report generated by the iThenticate program in PDF format. This report should highlight any sections of the manuscript that may be considered as plagiarized.

Revisions and Rechecking: After revisions, authors may be requested to re-run the plagiarism check with iThenticate if deemed necessary.

Threshold for Citation: Even if the text is the author's own, articles with a citation rate below 20% are still considered in terms of potential plagiarism. This suggests that the journal is vigilant about self-plagiarism and any form of academic misconduct.

By adhering to these plagiarism guidelines, the Van Medical Journal aims to maintain the integrity of academic research and publication by preventing and addressing any form of plagiarism. This helps ensure the originality and credibility of the content published in the journal.

Statistical Analysis
In the Van Medical Journal, the statistical analysis of a research article should follow specific guidelines:

  • Separate Sub-Title: The statistical analysis should be presented under a separate sub-title within the "Materials and Methods" section. This makes it easy for readers to locate the statistical methods used in the study.
  • Detailed Description: The description of the statistical analysis should be detailed and comprehensive. Authors should explain the methods, tests, and procedures used to analyze the data. This can include information about study design, data collection, and data preparation.
  • Software Specification: Authors should clearly specify the software or statistical tools used for the analysis. This helps readers and researchers understand the analytical approach and potentially replicate the study.
  • Providing a well-structured and detailed account of the statistical analysis is crucial in scientific publications. It enhances the transparency and reproducibility of research, which is important for the credibility and reliability of the study.
Article Structure
Sample Article Structure can be used for article structure.

Table-1: Limitations by article types

Article Type

Word Limit

Abstract Word Limit




Research Article

≤ 3000

≤ 200, 300 ≥

≤ 30

≤ 5

≤ 5

Invited Review

≤ 3000

≤ 200, 300 ≥

≤ 60

≤ 5

≤ 5

Letter to the Editor

≤  750


≤ 5



Case Report

≤  1500

≤ 150, 250 ≥

≤ 15

≤ 2

≤ 5

The Van Medical Journal has specific formatting and style guidelines for manuscript submission:

  • Tense and Writing Style: Use the "past tense passive" tense for writing, unless there is a necessity to use a different tense.
  • Page Formatting: Maintain 2.5 cm margins on all sides of each page.
  • Manuscripts should be written in Times New Roman font.
  • Use 1.5 spacing.
  • Use a 12-point font size.
  • Include page numbers at the bottom right of each page.
  • Author and Affiliation Information: Do not include the names of the authors, information about the institutions where the study was carried out, or the figures and pictures within the article text file.
  • Ensure that the manuscript title does not contain author names or affiliations.
  • Ethics Committee Approval: Do not include the name of the institution from which you received the ethics committee approval decision within the manuscript.
  • Adhering to these formatting and style guidelines is important to ensure that your manuscript is in accordance with the standards set by the Van Medical Journal for publication.
The structure and content requirements for different types of manuscripts submitted to the Van Medical Journal are as follows:

1. Original Articles: These articles include important new research.

They can encompass a variety of study types, such as randomized controlled trials, observational studies (cohort, case-control, cross-sectional), descriptive studies, systematic reviews, meta-analyses, nonrandomized behavioral and public health intervention studies, experimental animal studies, or any other clinical or experimental studies.

The main text of an original article should follow this structure:

  • Title
  • Abstract
  • Keywords
  • Introduction
  • Materials and Methods
  • Results
  • Discussion
  • Study Limitations
  • Conclusion
  • Acknowledgment (if applicable)
  • Ethical Approval
  • Conflict of Interest
  • Statement of Financial Support
  • Author Contributions
  • References
  • Tables (one per page)
  • Figure Legends (if any)
Abstracts should include sections for Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, and Conclusion.

Authors submitting original articles should adhere to this structure and include the required components in their manuscript to ensure it meets the Van Medical Journal's guidelines for publication.

2. Invited Review Articles: Invited review articles in Van Medical Journal are written by experts with significant experience on the subject of the article and a strong publication history, upon invitation of the editorial board. These articles are usually authored by no more than two individuals. Review articles are organized somewhat differently from original research articles. Here are the guidelines for invited review articles:

Unlike original articles, the abstract for review articles should not be divided into subheadings. Instead, it should be presented as a single paragraph.

The body of the review article can be divided into sections as the author sees fit. There are no specific subsections required, allowing authors to structure the article in a way that best presents the review content.

For review articles, the focus is on providing a comprehensive and insightful overview of a specific topic, drawing from the author's expertise and knowledge in the field. Authors should ensure their articles meet the journal's language, formatting, and referencing requirements while organizing the content in a manner that effectively conveys the information.

3. Case Reports: Van Medical Journal reserves a limited number of spots for case reports. Case reports should focus on cases with unique and instructive features, especially those related to rare diseases that pose challenges in terms of diagnosis and treatment. These reports should offer insights into new diagnostic or treatment methods, provide information not readily available in standard medical texts, and contribute to medical knowledge. Here are the guidelines for case reports:

The "Main Text" of the case report should include Title, Abstract, Keywords, İntroduction, Case Presentation, Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgment (if applicable), a Signed Consent Statement, Conflict of Interest disclosure, Statement of Financial Support, Author Contributions, References, Tables (one per page), Figure(s) and Figure Legends (if applicable). All components should be organized in this order.

Abstract should be presented as a single undivided piece. Unlike original articles and review articles, case reports have a different structure where the main focus is on presenting the specific case, discussing it in detail, and providing valuable insights into diagnosis, treatment, or other relevant aspects.

Case reports are essential for sharing knowledge about rare or unusual medical cases and are a valuable resource for the medical community. Authors of case reports should ensure that they follow the journal's language, formatting, and referencing requirements while providing a comprehensive description of the case and its implications.

4. Letter to the Editor: "Letter to the Editor" articles are welcomed and considered for publication in Van Medical Journal. These articles serve the purpose of offering critiques or adding valuable contributions to previously published research or conveying information that holds significance as scientific news. The acceptance or rejection of such letters will be determined through a review and evaluation process carried out by the Editorial Board.

Here are the key points to keep in mind when submitting a "Letter to the Editor":

Clearly specify the volume, year, issue, page numbers, title of the previously published article, and the names of the authors of the publication to which your letter is addressed. This information should be cited in the reference list and referenced in the text.

Letters to the Editor should be well-structured and aim to provide constructive criticism, insightful comments, or significant updates regarding previously published material.

Ensure that your submission adheres to the journal's language, formatting, and referencing guidelines.

Letters to the Editor are a valuable way to engage with existing research, highlight new findings or perspectives, and contribute to scientific discourse within the journal's scope. When preparing a Letter to the Editor, it's essential to be clear, concise, and respectful in your communication.

Cover Page:
The cover page is a crucial component of your article submission and should be prepared as a separate document. Here's how to structure the cover page according to the guidelines:

Title of the Article:

  • The title should be concise and informative, containing no more than 150 characters.
  • Additionally, provide a short title (not exceeding 40 characters). These short titles should succinctly define the article.
Author Information:
  • Include the names and surnames of all authors.
  • Mention the titles or academic positions of the authors.
  • Specify the name of the institution to which each author is affiliated.
  • Include the city in which the institution is located.
Corresponding Author:
  • Designate one author as the "responsible for correspondence" author.
Provide the following contact information for the corresponding author:

  • Full name
  • Complete mailing address
  • Telephone number
  • Mobile phone number
  • Email address
  • Supporting Institution:
If the research received support from an institution, specify the name of the supporting institution.

Previous Presentation (if applicable):

If the article has been presented at a scientific meeting previously, provide the following details:

  • The official name of the meeting
  • The location (place) of the meeting
  • The date on which the meeting took place
Composing the cover page in adherence to these guidelines is important to ensure that your submission is complete and correctly organized for the review process. It's crucial to present all necessary information accurately and concisely.

Keywords; When selecting keywords for your manuscript in compliance with the guidelines, consider the following:
  • Keyword Selection: Choose your keywords from the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) titles. MeSH is a controlled vocabulary used for indexing articles in PubMed and other medical databases. You can find the latest MeSH terms on the National Library of Medicine's website.
  • Number of Keywords: You are required to provide a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 6 keywords.
  • Relevance: Select keywords that are directly relevant to your manuscript. These keywords should accurately represent the main topics, themes, or subjects covered in your research.
  • Specificity: Use specific keywords to help readers, researchers, and database users easily identify the content and scope of your article.
  • Consistency: Ensure that the keywords you select are consistent with the content of your article. They should align with the main ideas and findings presented in your paper.
When listing your keywords in your manuscript, consider providing them after the abstract, typically in a section called "Keywords" or "Key Terms." Following these guidelines will help improve the visibility and discoverability of your article when it's indexed in databases and search engines.

Abbreviations; When using abbreviations in your manuscript, especially in the main text, consider the following guidelines:
  • First Use Expansion: The first time you use an abbreviation, write out the full term followed by the abbreviation in parentheses. For example, "World Health Organization (WHO)."
  • Consistency: Be consistent in using abbreviations throughout your manuscript. Once you've introduced an abbreviation, use it consistently throughout the rest of the text.
  • Avoid Overuse: Use abbreviations sparingly. Overuse of abbreviations can make the text less reader-friendly and may lead to confusion.
  • No Abbreviations in the Abstract: Avoid using abbreviations in the abstract, especially if they are not standard or widely recognized. This is to ensure clarity and understanding for readers who may not be familiar with the abbreviations.
  • Common Abbreviations: It's generally acceptable to use common and well-known medical or scientific abbreviations in both the main text and the abstract. For example, DNA, RNA, HIV, MRI, etc.
By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your manuscript is clear and understandable to your readers.

Pharmaceutical Products; When writing about pharmaceuticals or specific products in your manuscript, it's important to follow guidelines related to generic and trade names. Here's how to handle these names:
  • Generic Names: It's generally preferred to use the generic or non-proprietary names for drugs or products. These names are typically lowercase. For example, "aspirin" is the generic name for a common pain reliever.
  • Trade Names: If you need to mention a specific product or drug by its trade or brand name, it should be written in capital letters. For example, "ASPIRIN" is the trade name for the generic drug "aspirin."
  • Include Company Information: If you mention a product by its trade name, you should include the company or manufacturer's name and location in parentheses immediately afterward. For example, "ASPIRIN (Company X, City Y)".
By following these guidelines, you provide clarity for your readers and ensure that they understand whether you are referring to a specific brand or a generic product. This is particularly important in medical and pharmaceutical writing to avoid any confusion.

Microorganism Names; When writing about microorganisms, it's important to follow conventions for presenting their names. Here's how to handle microorganism names in your text:
  • First Use: When you mention a microorganism in your text for the first time, you should write its full name and italicize the original Latin name. For example: "Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a common bacterium found in various environments."
  • Subsequent Uses: After introducing the microorganism with its full name, you can use an abbreviation in later mentions. For example: "P. aeruginosa is known for its antibiotic resistance."
By following this convention, you make it clear which microorganism you are referring to while reducing repetition in your text. This is a common practice in scientific and medical writing to ensure clarity and readability.

Unit Symbols; When writing scientific and medical articles, it's essential to adhere to specific style and formatting guidelines. Here are the rules and recommendations based on your description:
  • Units: Use the International System of Units (SI) for units of measurement. For example, write "grams" as "g," "milliliters" as "mL," and "degrees Celsius" as "°C."
  • Numbers: Spell out numbers less than ten when they don't have units. For example, "five patients." Use numerals for numbers greater than nine or when accompanied by units. For example, "12 mL of solution." Add an apostrophe for numbers written with numerals. For example, "38 of the cases."
  • Beginning Sentences with Numbers: It's generally not advisable to start sentences with numerals. Reformat sentences to avoid this if possible.
  • Decimal Numbers: Use a period to denote decimal numbers. For example, "3.5 grams."
These guidelines help maintain consistency and readability in scientific and medical writing. Always check the specific style guide or publication requirements of the journal you're submitting to, as they may have variations or additional instructions.

Figures, Pictures, Tables and Graphics: When preparing tables, figures, drawings, and graphics for a scientific or medical article, follow these guidelines:

  • Number tables with Arabic numerals in the order they appear in the text.
  • Ensure that names of subjects, researchers, and institutions are not visible within the tables.
  • Provide a brief title or description above each table.
  • Include explanatory texts and explanations of any abbreviations used below the table.
  • Tables should be embedded in the text of the article, one table per page.
  • Do not send tables in visual formats like JPEG or TIFF. Tables should be in a format that allows for easy editing, such as Microsoft Word or LaTeX.
Figures, Graphics, and Photographs:
  • Each figure, graphic, or photograph should be sent as a separate image file in JPEG or TIFF format.
  • If you use previously published figures, pictures, tables, or graphics, obtain written permission and clearly state this in the figure's caption or description.
  • Provide clear descriptions of the figures, pictures, and graphics, and include them on the last page of the article's main file.
These guidelines help ensure the clarity and professionalism of the visual elements in your scientific or medical article and comply with standard publishing practices. Make sure to review the specific requirements of the journal you plan to submit your article to, as they may have additional formatting instructions.

References: When formatting references for your scientific or medical article, follow these guidelines:

Citing in the Text:

  • References should be numbered in the order they appear in the text.
  • In the text, references should be cited within parentheses.
  • If you are referring to the author's study within a sentence, cite the author immediately after the name (e.g., Greenblatt et al. (8) in their study...).
  • If you are citing multiple articles with consecutive reference numbers, use a hyphen (-) to indicate the range. For non-consecutive references, use a comma (,).
Formatting References:
  • For articles with six or fewer authors, list the names of all authors.
  • For articles with seven or more authors, list the names of the first six authors followed by "ve ark." (Turkish sources) or "et al." (non-Turkish sources).
The order of references and punctuation should follow these examples:

Journal Article:
  • Greenblatt DJ, Harmatz JS, Zinny MA, Shader RI. Effect of gradual withdrawal on the rebound sleep disorder after discontinuation of triazolam. N Engl J Med 1987; 317(12): 722-728.
Personal Authored Book:
  • Ringsven MK, Bond D. Gerontology and leadership skills for nurses. 2nd ed. Albany (NY): Delmar Publishers; 1996.
Edited Book:
  • Norman IJ, Redfern SJ, editors. Mental health care for elderly people. New York: Churchill Livingstone; 1996.
Chapter in the Book:
  • Phillips SJ, Whisnant JP. Hypertension and stroke. In: Laragh JH, Brenner BM, editors. Hypertension: pathophysiology, diagnosis, and management. 2nd ed. New York: Raven Press; 1995. p. 465-478.
Turkish Books:
  • Altındiş M, R Kalaycı. RNA Viruses. In: Altındiş M, editor. Microbiology for Nurses. 1st Edition. Istanbul: Nobel Publications; 2010. p. 285-297.
Translation Excerpt from Book:
  • White DO, Fenner FJ. Medical Virology. Translated by Doymaz MZ. 1st Edition, Istanbul: Nobel; 2000.
Web Address:
  • Health Statistics Yearbook 2014, T.C. Ministry of Health, [URL] (Accessed: 27.10.2015).
For Other Source Software:
  • Uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals. N Eng J Med 1997; 336: 309-315.
These guidelines should help you properly format references for your scientific or medical article. Be sure to check the specific reference style requirements of the journal you plan to submit to, as they may have additional formatting instructions.

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