E-ISSN: 2587-0351 | ISSN: 1300-2694
Van Medical Journal - Van Med J: 18 (3)
Volume: 18  Issue: 3 - 2011
1. Investigation of Metallo-Beta-Lactamase Production in Nosocomial Acinetobacter Baumannii Isolates With Phenotypic Methods
Aytekin Çıkman, Mustafa Berktaş, Abdullah Bektaş, Ayşe Özkaçmaz, Görkem Yaman
Pages 132 - 135

2. The Effectiveness of the ESWL Treatment on Clearance Rate of the Urinary System Calculi According to the Stone Localization and Size.
Mustafa Güneş, Necip Pirinççi, İlhan Geçit, Taken Kerem, Salim Bilici, Mehmet Göksu
Pages 136 - 140

3. Our Patients with Chronic Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura
Mahmut Kaya, Cengiz Demir, Ramazan Esen, Ahmet Engin Atay
Pages 141 - 146

4. Coronary Heart Disease Risk Factors in Patients with Clinical Acute Coronary Syndrome Complaint
Yemlihan Ceylan, Yüksel Kaya
Pages 147 - 154

5. Complications of Circumcision in Our Region
İlhan Geçit, Erdal Benli
Pages 155 - 158

6. A case with tetraphocomelia which shows similarity to Roberts Syndrome
Zehra Kurdoğlu, Mertihan Kurdoğlu, Erkan Elçi
Pages 159 - 162

7. Intra-Scrotal Lithiasis Associated With Hydrocele: A Case Report
Fatin R. Polat, Sabriye Polat
Pages 163 - 164

8. Extracranial Internal Carotid Artery Aneurysm; A Case Report
Dolunay Odabaşı, Halil Başel, Adem Kıymaz, Hasan Ekim
Pages 165 - 168

9. Adult Primary Obstructive Megaureter: Ultrasonography and Intravenous Urography Findings
Mustafa Koç, Aydın Bora, Erdal Benli, Hüseyin Beğenik
Pages 169 - 171

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