E-ISSN: 2587-0351 | ISSN: 1300-2694
Van Medical Journal - Van Med J: 6 (4)
Volume: 6 Issue: 4 - 1999
1. | The Effect of the Supplemental Magnesium on the Serum Lipids in the Rats Fed with Hypercholesterolemic Diet. Fahri Bayıroğlu, Ferda Belge, Burhanettin Baydaş, Kürşat Türkdoğan Pages 1 - 4
2. | Effect of Yoghurt on Serum Biochemical Parameters in Rats Fahri Bayıroğlu, Burhanettin Baydaş, İsmail Meral, Kürşat Türkdoğan Pages 5 - 7
3. | The importance and place of the ataxia in childhood posterior fossa tumors Bayram Çırak, Mehmet Bahadır Güven, Nejmi Kıymaz, H. Serdar Işık, Murat Baş Pages 8 - 10
4. | The Evaluation of the Knowledge Level on Hypertension and Treatment Compliance of the Patients with Hypertension in Van Beyhan Eryonucu, Mehmet Sayarlıoğlu, Mehmet Bilge, Niyazi Güler, Reha Erkoç, İmdat Dilek Pages 11 - 14
5. | Chest Pain in Mitral Valve Prolapse : Its Relationship With Psychological Factors Kemal Sayar, Mehmet Özkan Pages 15 - 19
6. | Evaluation of the Left Ventricle Functions in Diabetic Patients with Cardiovascular Autonomic System Neuropathy Y. Zeki Çelen, İsmet Önderışık, Vahap Okan, Erkan Özbay, Sabri Zincirkeser Pages 20 - 24
7. | The Incidence of Salmonella in Blood Cultures and Their Antibiotic Susceptibilities İclal Balcı, G. Nazan Alkan, Ayşe Bayram Pages 25 - 27
8. | Investigation of the incidence of aflatoxin B1 existence in crushed red peppers sold unpacked in Van Sema Ağaoğlu Pages 28 - 30
9. | Methanol Intoxication: Case Report Özkan Ünal, Temel Tombul, Halil Arslan, Eyüp Şişman, Reha Erkoç Pages 31 - 32