1. | Effect of Tissue Glue On Thermal Injury of the Lung Hasan Ekim, Murat Ç. Rağbetli, Mustafa Kösem, Metin Aydın Pages 194 - 196 The use of tissue glue (GRFG) has been reported in vascular surgery, especially in surgery for acute aortic dissection. However reports concerning its use in pulmonary surgery are rare. For this reason, we conducted on an experimental study comprising 18 rats. There were 10 rats in the study group and 8 in the control group. After intubation of the rats, through tracheotomy incision, a left thoracotomy in the fifth or sixth intercostal space was performed. A thermal injury 3 mm in diameter and 3 mm in depth was made on the lung surface using an electrocaoutery. Tissue glue was then applied to injury sites except for those of the control group. Rats were sacrificed 3 hour, 2 days, 8 days, and 22 days after operation in order to estimate the minimum air-leak pressure and to perform histologic study. Our data suggest that GRFG glue has good adhesive properties even in the presence of moisture and degenerative tissue due to electrocaoutery injury to the lung. |
2. | Routes of Surgical Approach In Intraabdominal Tumors Ertekin Arasıl, Ayhan Attar, Funda Batay, Haluk Deda, Ahmet Erdoğan, Yücel Kanpolat, Nihat Egemen, Mehmet Selçuki Pages 197 - 202 189 patients with intraorbital tumors which were operated in between the years of 1975 and 1995 in Department of Neurosurgery, School of Medicine University of Ankara were evaluated in this article. The incidence, clinical features, surgical techniques and indications for each surgical approach of intraorbital tumors are discussed and the related literature is reviewed. |
3. | Premature mortality of Y.Y. University Medical Faculty Abdullah Ceylan, Hüseyin Çaksen, Levent Rastgeldi, İbrahim Tepebaşı, Gürbüz Akçay, Ercan Kırımi, Dursun Odabaş Pages 203 - 205 The mortality rate is very high in the newborn period. Particularly, it’s higher in the premature infants with low gestation age and birth weight. Our purpose was to determinate the causes of mortality in prematures, and to decrease the mortality rate with take the necessary measures. In the study, the various features of 99 premature infants, who admitted to Yüzüncü Yıl University Faculty of Medicine Department of Newborn Units between December 1996 and July 1998 were studied retrospectively. The mean mortality rate was 34%. The most common cause of death was sepsis (33.5%). Pulmonary diseases such as respiratory distress syndrome and meconium aspiration syndrome were the second frequency (31%), and asphyxia was the third frequency (12.5%). The results of study were compared with similar studies. It’s established that the causes of high mortality due to sepsis were assisted delivery in unsuitable condition, and low socio-economic level. |
4. | Dermatoglyphic Features in Hodgkin’s Diseases M. Hakan Polat Pages 206 - 209 Since dermatoglyphics is a highly genetically controlled test method and is a part of medical genetics. The dermatoglyphics of 17 male and 6 female, a total of 23 patient with Hodgkin’s disease (HD) were compared with those of 42 male and 38 female, a total of 80 control cases. In this study, on the fingertips of HD cases, whorl patterns and a-b ridge count in females are more, atd angles on the left hands of male patients are less then those of the control cases. Palmar IV loops of patients are more, palmar H loops and t?? triradii are less, and the palmar A line terminations is found less often at location number 5? and more often at location number 3. In cunclusion, the dermatoglyphic patterns of finger and palm were significantly different in children with HD. We believe that the dermatoglyphic study will contribute to the studies done with HD. |
5. | Initial Empirical Antibiotic Therapy for Neutropenic Fever İmdat Dilek, Rafet Mete, Hayrettin Akdeniz, Hamza Bozkurt, Reha Erkoç, Mehmet Sayarlıoğlu, Cevat Topal, Pekcan Demiröz, Halis Aksoy Pages 210 - 213 Neutropenia is a common complication in patients with acute leukemia. Infections are the most serious cause of morbidity and mortality during these neutropenic period. In this study, we investigated the results of initial antimicrobial treatment in 28 patients recently diagnosed with acute leukemia and developed febrile neutropenic episodes. Febrile episodes appeared in 13 (46%) of the patients at the time of diagnosis and in the remainder occurred during the period of bone marrow aplasia following chemotherapy. Cultures were positive in only 12 (42.8%) of these cases. Gram positive microorganisms were isolated most frequently (66%) in cultures and S.aureus was the most commonly grown organism in blood. In these infections cefepime + amikacin was given in eight of the patients as initial empirical antibiotic therapy and ceftazidim + amikacin in 20. Success rate with initial empirical antibiotic therapy was 71.4% for all cases. Successful results have been optained by the combination of cefepime and amikacin as seen in ceftazidim plus amikacin combination. |
6. | A Comparative Study of the Intestinal Parasites in the two Groups of People with Different Socio-Economic Status Hasan Yılmaz, İmdat Dilek, M.Kürşat Türkdoğan, Reha Erkoç Pages 214 - 217 This is a comparative study in which the prevalence of intestinal parasites in two groups of people with different social, cultural and economical status was investigated. Both groups were is the same sex and age. 165 teenagers (14-17 years old) participated in the study, 65 workers from Van Industrial Estate and 100 students from Serhat Scientific High School. Stool samples taken from all subjects were first examined by native-lugol and iron-hematoxylin staining methods, then flotation and sedimentation methods were applied. One or more species of parasites were found in 48 out of 65 young workers (73.8%) and in 28 out of 100 students (28.0%). Among the workers, Entamoeba histolytica was 13.8%, Entamoeba coli 29.2%, Blastocystis hominis 10.8%, Giardia intestinalis 16.9%, Ascaris lumbricoides 29.2%, Trichuris trichiura 1.5%, Enterobius vermicularis 6.2%, Taenia saginata 1.5% and Hymenolepis nana 6.2%. Whereas, the ranges in the High School students were as follows: E.coli 9.0%, Iodamoeba butschlii 2.0%, B.hominis 3.0%, G.intestinalis 9.0%, A.lumbricoides 5.0%, Trichuris trichiura 1.0% and E.vermicularis 1.0%. The prevalence in these groups was evaluated using ?2 test and the result was significant (p<0.001). |
7. | Histopathological Study of Thymus in Congenital Heart Disease Erdener Özer, Cüneyt Narin, Özden Anal, Öztekin Oto Pages 218 - 220 The purpose of this study is to investigate histological changes in thymic material removed during operation for congenital heart disease and the correlation of these changes with the age of operation and cardiac anomaly. The study included Hematoxylin-Eosin stained sections of 25 cases with congenital heart disease. We investigated a number of histological changes due to episode of stress such as starry sky appearence resulting from phagocytosis of apoptotic cortical thymocytes by macrophages, Hassal' s corpuscle changes and corticomedullary effacement. Hassal' s corpuscle changes were seen in 12 cases (48%) with a statistically significant correlation with the type of cardiac morphology. Sixteen cases (64%) revealed thymocytic apoptosis and nine cases (36%) displayed corticomedullary effacement, and both changes statistically correlated with age of operation. This finding is due to the role of endogen glycocoticoid on cortical thymocytes during episodes of stress affecting thymic lymphopoesis in children with congenital heart disease. We concluded that histological findings showing increased thymocyt loss in children with congenital heart disease might be compatible with affected development of cellular and humoral immunity. |
8. | The Role of Endoscopic Injection Therapy in Gastrointestinal Tractus Bleeding Due To Peptic Ulcus Sedat Ertem, Erhun Kasırga, Esra Özer, Ali Rıza Sanul, Zeynel Abidin Altınay Pages 221 - 224 Endoscopic injection sclerotherapy is a simple, reliable and efficient method for treatment of peptic ulcer bleeding. The principle of this method based on application of vasoconstrictor and sclerosing agents in and around the lesion. 44 patients with upper gastrointestinal bleeding hospitalized at Gastroenterology Clinics of SSK Tepecik Educational Hospital between 1994-1996 were included in this study. Patients aged between 19-82 and male/female ratio was 29/15. 42 cases were diagnosed as duodenal ulcer and 2 cases were gastric ulcer. According to Forrest classification 5 cases were Ia (11 %), 2 cases were IIa (5 %), 20 cases were Ib (45 %) and 17 cases were IIb (39 %). In 40 cases (90.9 %), bleeding were controlled by endoscopic injection sclerotherapy meanwhile 4 cases were required surgical treatment. Hemorrhagic diathesis was seen in two of the patients because of the using coumadin. According to our results endoscopic injection sclerotherapy is effective method for treatment of upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage due to peptic ulcers. |
9. | Investigation of 125 Cases with Pleurisy Erkan Ceylan, Bülent Özbay, Kürşat Uzun, Mehmet Gencer, Abdullah Gülsün, İsmail Zehir Pages 225 - 231 125 cases with the diagnosis of pleurisy were investigated both inpatients who were treated in our clinic and who were treated in other clinics by our consultations between january 1996 and may 1998. There were 81 (64.8%) male and 44(35.2%) female patients. Light criteria was used in the differentiation of pleura fluid as exsudative or transudative. There were 95(76%) exudative pleural fluid cases and 30(24%) transudative pleural fluid. There were 28% tuberculous pleurisy, 32% malign pleurisy, 12% parapneumonic pleurisy, 4% pleurisy related to pulmonary emboli and 24% transudative pleurisy according to etiologic evaluation. 16(40%) of 40 malign pleurisy cases were interestingly epidermoid carsinom. In the investigation of cases according to age groups, 70% of malign pleurisy cases were 50-69 years of age groups. 82.85% of tuberculous pleurisy cases were 29 years of age and below. 5.7% of them were 50 years of age and above. We confirmed the diagnosis by pleural needle biopsy, cytologic investigation, periferic lymph node biopsy, bronchoscopic biopsy and thorocotomi according to percentations of diagnostic techniques, diagnosis was made by 28% needle biopsy, 1.6% transthoracic biopsy, 7.2% cytologic investigation, 3.2% peripheric lymph node biopsy, 9.6% bronchoscopic biopsy and 0.8% thoracotomi. 24% of cases were diagnosed according to clinical, radiological and transudative features. 12% of cases were diagnosed as parapneumonic effusions according to clinical and laboratory results. 6.4% of cases diagnosed as pleurisy according to treatment results. Diagnostic percentages are increased because diagnostic methods and invasive processes according to patients clinics are decided carefully. |
10. | Risc For Atherosclerosis In Children With Asthma Bronchiale Mikdat Yıldız, H. Haldun Emiroğlu, Mustafa Kösecik, Hüseyin Aldemir Pages 232 - 235 It was aimed to investigate risc for atherosclerosis in the children with asthma bronchiale. In the control (n=20), symptomatic (n=20), and asymptomatic asthma bronchiale (n=20) groups, blood lipid profiles were determined. Statistical analyzes were performed using Mann-Whitney U analysis. Total cholesterol and total cholesterol/HDL (p>0.05), LDL and LDL/HDL (p<0.01), Apo B, Apo B/ApoA1, and LDL/Apo A1 (p<0.001) levels were significantly higher in the children with asthma bronchiale than those of controls. We concluded that children with asthma bronchiale might have a risk for atherosclerosis. These findings may be a stimulus for further research of pediatric asthma bronchiale in the etiopathogenesis for atherosclerosis. |
11. | The distribution of Blood Group in Van, and comparison to Turkey and some other countries. İmdat Dilek, Ahmet Faik Öner, Rafet Mete, Reha Erkoç, Kürşat Türkdoğan, Cevat Topal, Ahmet Durmuş, Mehmet Sayarlıoğlu, Halis Aksoy Pages 236 - 238 The ABO and Rh blood group of 7.147 donor were examined in Blood Bank and Apheresis Unit, Medical School of Yüzüncü Yıl University between January 1997 and December 1997. The distribution of A, O, B and AB groups were 33.1 %, 43.9 %, 14.9 % and 8.1 %% respectively. Rh positivity was found to be 87.1 %. Incidence of “ABO” and “Rh” blood groups for male and female were similar. In conclusion, incidence of ABO and Rh blood groups in Van was found similarly as well in the other part of Turkey. |
12. | The prevalence of motile aeromonads isolated Chalcaburnus tarichii living in Lake Van Banur Boynukara, Kemal Gürtürk, Ziya İlhan, Timur Gülhan, Erdal Öğün, İsmail Hakkı Ekin Pages 239 - 242 Motile Aeromonads species found abundantly in waters (Aeromonas hydrophila, Aeromonas caviae, and Aeromonas sobria) cause septicemia in fish and cold-blooded animals, enteric, septicemic and local infections in several animal species and humans. The aim of this study is to determine the presence and prevalence of motile Aeromonads species in the intestine of Chalcaburnus tarichii, the only fish species living in Lake Van. The study was carried out in two different periods; the first in January and the other in June. The intestine contents of 100 fish bought from the market, 50 in January and 50 in June, were examined for motile Aeromonads. From the intestine contents of 50 fish examined in January, 6 motile Aeromonads spp. (3%) were isolated. Out of six isolates, 1 (16.6%) was identified as Aeromonas hydrophila, 2 (33.3%) as Aeromonas caviae and 3 (50%) as Aeromonas sobria. From the intestine contents of 50 fish examined in June, 40 motile Aeromonads spp. (80%) were isolated. Out of 40 isolates, 14 (35%) were identified as Aeromonas hydrophila, 16 (40%) Aeromonas caviae, and 10 (25%) as Aeromonas sobria. It was concluded that the prevalence of motile Aeromonads spp. found in Chalcaburnus tarichii fish living in Lake Van was quite high in summer months (80%) and compared to winter months, prevalence of Aeromonas hydrophila increased during these months. |
13. | Bronchial Carcinoid Tumors İrfan Yalçınkaya, Metin Er, Bülent Özbay, Fatma Hüsniye Dilek Pages 243 - 246 Today in the treatment of bronchial carcinoid tumors, conservative surgical methods which protect lung parenchyma are preferred in such cases that tumor remains localized, whereas in cases in which irreversible changes are established in distal to the tumor is choice lung resection. In this study, we presented 3 cases which we had to perform standard resection due to some complications such as destroyed lung, cystic formation and bronchiectasis which had developed secondary to obstruction related to carcinoid tumor. We stressed on the main principals in the diagnosis and the treatment in bronchial carcinoid tumors. We stated that in cases with recurrent pulmonary symptoms carcinoid tumor should be keep in mind in differential diagnosis. |
14. | Sturge-Weber Syndrome: Report of a Case with Microcephaly Şükrü Arslan, Ahmet Faik Öner, Oğuz Tuncer, Dursun Odabaş Pages 247 - 249 Sturge-Weber syndrome consists of a constellation of symptoms and signs including a facial nevus (port-wine stain), seizures, hemiparesis, intracranial calcifications, and in many cases, mental retardation. An 8- years-old boy was admitted with seizures. On physical examination, he had facial nevus in trigeminal dermatome location on the left side. Computerize tomography of the brain disclosed cerebral atrophy and cerebral calcifications. The case diagnosed Sturge-Weber syndrome with the facial nevus and findings of computerize tomography of the brain is presented becasue of rare presentation of this syndrome associated with microcephaly. |
15. | Mumps Associated with Thrombocytopenia: A Case Report Ahmet Faik Öner, Şükrü Arslan, Ruhan Özer, Oğuz Tuncer Pages 250 - 252 Mumps is frequently seen in childhood and usually recovered without any complication. These complications included meningoancephalitis, orchitis, epididimitis, oophoritis, pancreatitis, nephritis, thyroiditis, myocarditis, arthritis. Thrombocytopenia is rarely seen during mumps. In this report, a ten year old girl was admitted to our hospital with the complaints of purpura and epistaxis. She was diagnosed as mumps related thrombocytopenia, and was administered intravenous immunglobulin in a dose of 400 mg/ kg/day for five days. Because the clinical and laboratory findings had not improved, methylprednisolone was given in a dose of 30 mg/kg/day for another 4 days. His platelet count reached to normal after 5 days (10 days after diagnosis). This rare case was discussed with literature. |
16. | Formation and prevention of intra abdominal adhesions Çetin Kotan, Abdulaziz Gül Pages 253 - 257 In this report we overviewed the recent considerations on intra-abdominal adhesion mechanisms and prevention basing on the related literature. |
17. | Pain and Neurostimulation Metin Tulgar, Ahmet Arslan, Erdal Kalkan Pages 258 - 263 Management of chronic pain is a major problem of modern medicine. It is known that neurogenic pain is generally resistant to pharmacological therapy. Electrical neurostimula-tion is a drug free self control tool. Comparative studies have revealed that pain patients, if offered, prefer modulated stimulation modes such as burst and HRFM (high rate frequency modulation) rather than conventional stimulation. In the case of extensive and bilateral persistent pain, TENS (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation) is not practical, and epidural spinal cord stimulation by means of an implantable system is indicated. To overcome the problems of the current implants such as electrode migration, component failures, fixed electrical parameters and expense, a new enductively coupled transmitter-receiver system has been developed. The new system is safer, more reliable and much cheaper than commonly used RF (radio-frequency) based implants. Recently introduced micromodular implants using high-tech facilities, at the experimental stage, seem to be a complicated system having the risk of component failures and expensive. Long-term clinical trials to assess the performance of recently developed implantable systems and further studies to improve the technic are necessary. |
18. | Hypertension and Left Ventricular Hypertrophy Mehmet Sayarlıoğlu, Beyhan Eryonucu, Hayriye Sayarlıoğlu Pages 264 - 267 Left ventricular hypertrophy is the most important modifiable risk factor for hypertensive patients which increase morbidity and mortality significantly. Left ventricular hypertrophy can be diagnosed easily with current tools and must be screened among hypertensive patients, also if detected, response to treatment must be followed. |