An 18 years old girl was hospitalized with a diagnosis of Arterio-Venous Malformation (AVM) in the left hand fourth digit which was propagated in the last two years. The AVM was confirmed with MR angiography. With the surgical intervention afferent and efferent vascular portions were excised totally and the digit’s arterial vascular patency was preserved. After the operation period there was no ischemic compliants and symptoms in our patient and with the performed MR angiography it was confirmed that the AVM was vanished. There were no recurrence or complications after one year’s control. The surgery is an effective therapeutical modality in the AVMs localized in the upper extremities.
Keywords: AVM, arterio-venous malformation, digit, surgical therapy18 yaşında bayan hasta son iki yıldır belirginleşen sol el dördüncü parmakta Arteriyo-Venöz Malformasyon (AVM) ile hastaneye yatırıldı, MR anjiografi’de AVM teyit edildi. Yapılan cerrahi işlemde afferent ve efferent damar sistemi tamamen çıkarılırken parmağın arteryel sistem bütünlüğü korundu. Operasyon sonrası iskemi olmayan hastanın şikayetleri geçti ve çekilen MR anjiografisinde lezyonun tamamen kaybolduğu görüldü. Post operatif 1 yılın ardından yapılan kontrolde nüks ve komplikasyon görülmedi. Üst ekstremitedeki AVM’larda cerrahi etkin bir tedavi modalitesidir.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Parmakta AVM, cerrahi tedavi.