E-ISSN: 2587-0351 | ISSN: 1300-2694
Van Medical Journal - Van Med J: 32 (1)
Volume: 32  Issue: 1 - 2025
1. Cover

Pages I - III

2. Follow-Up of Delirium Patients: Antipsychotic Use Can Be Another Confounding Factor for Prognosis
Arda Bağcaz
doi: 10.5505/vmj.2025.83097  Pages 1 - 2
Abstract |Full Text PDF

3. Investigation of the Cytotoxic Effect of A New N-Phenyl Benzimidazole Derivative on Cell Viability in A549 and HepG2 Cell Lines
Esra Bilici, Senem Akkoç
doi: 10.5505/vmj.2025.58077  Pages 3 - 6
INTRODUCTION: One of the important heterocyclic compounds that exhibit versatile biological activity properties such as anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anti-proliferative/anticancer activities are benzimidazole-based compounds. In this study, a new benzimidazolium salt was synthesized. The cytotoxicity of this newly synthesized compound on HepG2 and A549 cell lines was investigated.
METHODS: In this study, a new benzimidazole salt was synthesized. Then, the cytotoxic effects of this compound (4) on human liver cell line (HepG2) and human lung cell line (A549) were investigated by MTT method.

RESULTS: Cellular proliferation was measured for both lung A549 and liver HepG2 cells. Lung and liver cells exposed to various concentrations of compound 4 and cisplatin were observed at the 72hour time point. Significant differences were detected in A549 cells treated with different concentrations of compound 4 and cisplatin (p=0.001<0.05). The doses that created the difference were found to be between 200μM and 25μM for compound 4 (p=0.017) and between 200μM and 50μM concentrations (p=0.001). There were also significant differences between doses for cisplatin (p=0.001<0.05). There is a difference between compound 4 and cisplatin (p<0.05). In the treatment of HepG2 cells with different doses of compound 4 and cisplatin, significant differences were detected between compound 4 and cisplatin (p=0.035<0.05).
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: Benzimidazole derivatives have various biological activities, including antitumor activity. We tested this compound against two different human cancer cell lines including lung and liver. The results show that compound 4 had cytotoxic effects on both A549 and HepG2.

4. Comparatively Evaluation of the Methods Used in the Assessment of Health and Impairment of Body Composition
Şükrü Ahmet Ayyıldız, Süleyman Yagız, Sermin Algül, Oğuz Özçelik
doi: 10.5505/vmj.2025.25744  Pages 7 - 13
INTRODUCTION: Assessment of body composition is an important way that reveal valuable information about the health status of individuals. To evaluate the effectiveness of the methods, the body compositions of young male and female students were comparatively evaluated using the bioelectrical impedance method (BIA), body mass index (BMI), and waist-hip ratio (WHR).
METHODS: A total of 226 (n= 112 males and n= 114 females) young students participated in this study. Body composition analyses were performed using BIA, BMI, and WHR.
RESULTS: Considering the whole data, a statistically significant correlation between BMI and BIA was observed. However, there is a difference in risk groups with low and normal values that may result in the differences between the cut-off points determined by ethnicity and gender.
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: In general, although anthropometric measurements have provided meaningful results for population evaluation, technological evaluations should be taken into account in measurements in decision-making situations related to the health status of individuals.

5. Complete Blood Count-Derived Inflammation Indices in lumbar Modic Changes
Yasemin Özkan, Mahmut Alpayci, Veysel Delen
doi: 10.5505/vmj.2025.43043  Pages 14 - 20
INTRODUCTION: Complete blood count (CBC)-derived indices such as neutrophil/lymphocyte (NLR) have been proposed as indicators of systemic inflammation. Modic changes are vertebral endplate lesions associated with low back pain. Modic type 1 changes (MC1s) are inflammatory in nature and more painful than MC2s. However, there are not enough studies on the relationship between MC1s and systemic inflammation. In this study, we aimed to investigate the relationship between MC1s and systemic inflammation by considering the CBC-derived indices.
METHODS: This comparative study was conducted at Harran University Hospital between March 2023 and January 2024. In the study, 24 MC1s and 24 MC2s patients were compared in terms of demographic characteristics, pain severity, C-reactive protein (CRP), erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), CBC cells and CBC-derived indices.
RESULTS: The two groups were statistically similar in terms of age (p=0.111), gender (p=0.752), BMI (p=0.415), pain duration (p=0.860), CRP (p=0.341), ESR (p=0.412), CBC cells (p>0.05) and CBC-derived indices (p>0.05). Only MC1s patients had significantly higher low back pain severity than MC2s patients [7.5±1.1 (5.0-10.0) vs 6.8±1.2 (5.0-9.0), p=0.032]. However, no significant correlation was found between pain intensity and other parameters (p>0.05).
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: MC1s and MC2s patients are similar in terms of inflammation markers. The greater severity of low back pain in MC1s patients may be related to the local inflammatory nature of MC1s, but not to systemic inflammation. Management of low back pain caused by Modic changes should focus on local treatment approaches.

6. Comparative Analysis of Robot-Assisted versus Traditional Laparoscopic Retroperitoneal Partial Nephrectomy
Sahin Kilic, Enis Mert Yorulmaz, Çağatay Özsoy, Murat Sambel, Yigit Akın, Mutlu Ateş
doi: 10.5505/vmj.2025.42650  Pages 21 - 26
INTRODUCTION: This study aimed to assess the effectiveness of laparoscopic retroperitoneal partial nephrectomy (LRPN) and robot-assisted retroperitoneal partial nephrectomy (RRPN) in managing renal tumors, with a focus on perioperative efficiency, oncological safety, and preservation of renal function.

METHODS: The cohort comprised 80 patients who underwent partial nephrectomy (PN), (centre A-LRPN =26, centre B-RRPN=54), excluding those with prior renal surgeries or conditions complicating renal function. Perioperative, postoperative, oncologic, and renal functional data were compared between the two surgical techniques. Tumor complexity was evaluated using the RENAL scoring system and surgical success was assessed using the margin, ischemia, and complication (MIC) scoring system.

RESULTS: The median tumor size (4 vs. 2.5 cm) and RENAL scores (6 vs. 4) were significantly higher in the RRPN group (p<0.05). Trocar placement and operation times were significantly lower in the LRPN group (p<0.05). In terms of mean estimated blood loss, postoperative renal function, and reduction in hemoglobin levels, no significant differences were observed between the groups. The oncological outcomes were comparable between the groups, with no significant differences observed in positive surgical margin rates.

DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: In minimally invasive partial nephrectomy, both robotic and laparoscopic approaches have their advantages. LRPN is a feasible method in less complicated tumors with its shorter trocar placement time and shorter operation time. Although RRPN can be applied in larger and more complex tumors, its oncological and functional results are similar to LRPN. This suggests that while the robotic approach is potentially more suitable for complex cases, it does not compromise patient safety or effectiveness.

7. Evaluation of Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehyrogenase Deficiency in Patients with Sickle Cell Anemia
Defne Ay Tuncel, Şule Çalışkan Kamış, Begül Yağcı Küpeli
doi: 10.5505/vmj.2025.75047  Pages 27 - 30
INTRODUCTION: Aim: The study was to assess Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase (G6PD) enzyme deficiency in Sickle Cell Anemia patients.

METHODS: Between August 1, 2022, and August 1, 2023, we analyzed Sickle Cell Anemia patients admitted to Pediatric Hematology Oncology Adana City Training and Research Hospital.G6PD enzyme results obtained from standard tests were determined in these patients from hospital records.
RESULTS: Twenty-three sickle cell anemia patients were detected from the hospital records.
34.8% of these patients were male and 65.2% were female (n = 15). The age range was between 4 and 30, with an average of twelve years. Twenty patients (87%) under the age of eighteen and three patients (13%) over the age of eighteen were found. The G6PD standard range is 2.22-36.98 U/g Hb and the average value is 26.28 U/g Hb. G6PD was detected in two out of twenty-three patients with a rate of 8.7%.
When patients with G6PD enzyme deficiency were compared to those without, there was a borderline negative correlation in the frequency of blood transfusions (p: 0.052, r: -0.410).

DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: It should be screened for G6PD deficiency to prevent their condition from deteriorating during treatment in Sickle Cell Anemia patients. Patients with Sickle Cell Anemia may experience worsening hemolysis if they co-inherit both diseases.
Therefore, when choosing medications for SCA patients who have a G6PD enzyme deficiency, care should be taken.

8. Immunohistochemical Analysis of Asprosin and Meteorin-Like Peptide in Melanocytic Nevus and Malignant Melanoma
Betul Demir, Demet Cicek, Esma Inan Yüksel, Nevin Kocaman, Ilknur Calik, Ozge Sevil Karstarli Bakay, Yunus Gural
doi: 10.5505/vmj.2025.93063  Pages 31 - 40
INTRODUCTION: Objective: Asprosin (ASP) plays many important roles in the central nervous system, peripheral tissues, and organs, such as appetite, glucose metabolism, insulin resistance, and cell apoptosis. Many experimental and clinical studies have examined the effects of meteorin-like peptide (METRNL) on inflammation. Immunohistochemical studies play an important role in the diagnosis of melanocytic proliferations. This study aimed to examine the immunohistochemical analysis of ASP and METRNL in healthy skin, melanocytic nevus, and malignant melanoma and to investigate their possible role in melanocyte proliferation.

METHODS: A total of 36 skin samples, including 12 benign nevi, 8 dysplastic nevi, 6 malignant melanoma, and 10 healthy skin around lesions removed from breast tissue that was not exposed to the sun as a control group were included in this study. The skin samples were stained immunohistochemically using the avidin-biotin-peroxidase complex method.

RESULTS: ASP and METRNL expressions were detected in the epidermis and hair follicles of healthy skin. No significant difference was detected in ASP and METRNL histoscores in tumor tissues of benign nevus, dysplastic nevus, and malignant melanoma (p>0.05).
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: Current findings suggest that ASP and METRNL may be associated with cell-to-cell interactions between keratinocytes, melanocytes, and inflammatory cells and may be effective in melanocyte functions. Future studies will clarify whether ASP and METRNL are potential biomarkers for melanocytic tumor development.

9. Treatment Management in Hepatitis and Tuberculosis Coexistence
Neslihan Köse Kabil, Aylin Babalık
doi: 10.5505/vmj.2025.83703  Pages 41 - 47
INTRODUCTION: Tuberculosis (TB) is still a global problem. Drug resistance is caused by factors such as drug side effects, accompanying comorbidities and treatment compliance problems. Hepatitis infection has a high incidence in our country and presents with liver involvement and symptoms leading to cirrhosis. Therefore, if hepatitis infection accompanies TB patients, treatment management becomes difficult.The aim of this study is to draw attention to the cure rates in treatment with an appropriate treatment approach, despite the side effects, drug resistance and accompanying comorbidities that occur in the coexistence of TB and hepatitis.
METHODS: 78 patients with Hepatitis A, B, C(HAV, HBV, HCV) coexistence with pulmonary tuberculosis between 2017-2019 were evaluated retrospectively. Demographic characteristics, hepatitis marker positivity, antiviral treatment, microbiological diagnosis, drug sensitivity test, drug side effects, treatment regimen and treatment results were evaluated retrospectively.
RESULTS: The patients are 31% women; 45% HBV, 45% HCV, 10% HAV were detected. There are 78% Acid Resistant Bacteria positive and 73% of them were sensitive to all drugs. Diabetes,Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, substance abuse and psychological disorder were the most common comorbidities. 30% of the patients had high admission liver function tests and 27% received a non-hepatotoxic treatment regimen. The most common side effects were hepatotoxicity, hypersensitivity, ototoxicity, and neurological side effects. 44% of the patients were able to complete TB treatment in 6 months. Cure was observed in 68% of the patients.
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: Although disease management becomes difficult when TB and hepatitis coexist, cure rates increase with an appropriate treatment approach.

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