1. | Cover Pages I - II |
2. | Comparing the Uterine Artery Doppler Indices With Birth Weight at 11-14th and 20-24th Gestational Weeks Serdar Çelik, A. Birtan Boran, Taylan Onat, Emre Turgut, M. Aytaç Yüksel, Sevim Purisa Pages 60 - 66 |
3. | Our Newborn Hearing Screening Results Çiğdem Tepe Karaca, Sema Zer Toros, Barış Naiboğlu, Ayşegül Verim, Şaban Çelebi Pages 67 - 71 |
4. | Frequency of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome Detected with Polysomnography in Patients with Pulmonary Hypertension Aysel Sünnetçioğlu, Bünyamin Sertoğullarından, Hülya Günbatar, Bülent Özbay Pages 72 - 76 |
5. | Evaluation of information Level of Family Practitioners About COPD Hülya Günbatar, Bünyamin Sertoğullarından, Selami Ekin, Ahmet Arısoy, Aysel Sünnetçioğlu Pages 77 - 80 |
6. | Open Cardiac Surgery Results in Our New Center After Van Earthquake Ali Kemal Gür, Esra Eker, Helin El, Aytaç Akyol, Dolunay Odabaşı, Hakan Uçar Pages 81 - 85 |
7. | Influence of Adenotonsillectomy on growth and development in childhood Ayşe Yiğit Keskin, Bircan Tanboğa, Esma Ehsan Kaya Pages 86 - 91 |
8. | Evaluation of the organizational commitment of the nurses working in a university hospital Yeltekin Demirel, Berrin Filiz Öz, Gülay Yıldırım Pages 92 - 100 |
9. | Septic pulmonary emboli associated with tibial osteomyelitis: Case report Levent Sürer, Bikemgül Özkara, Kemal Harmancı, Doğan Bek, Ahmet İmerci, Umut Canbek Pages 101 - 104 |
10. | Acute correction of severe tibia shaft deformity: A case report Celil Alemdar, Mehmet Bulut, İbrahim Azboy, Abdullah Demirtaş, İlhami Şahin Pages 105 - 110 |
11. | The stone of pediatric üreteral diverticulum: A rare case Mehmet Kaba, Doğan Durmazer, Necip Pirinççi, Serhat Tanık, Mustafa Güneş, İlhan Geçit Pages 111 - 113 |
12. | A rare reason for acute appendicitis: Enterobius vermicularis Gülay Sarıçam, Gökhan Karaca, Faruk Pehlivanlı, Kübra Yıldırım Pages 114 - 116 |
13. | Severe Hypotension Due to a Single dose of Quetiapine in an Elderly Patient: A Case Report Osman Özdemir, Pınar Güzel Özdemir Pages 117 - 119 |
14. | Dilde Hemanjiom: Olgu Sunumu Nazim Bozan, Mehmet Hafit Gür, Ahmet Faruk Kıroğlu, Hakan Çankaya, Mehmet Fatih Garça Pages 120 - 122 |
15. | The Management of Euthyroid Nodular Goiter Rıfkı Üçler Pages 123 - 128 |