1. | Protective Effects of Melatonin Hormone Against Exposure of Formaldehyde-Induced Oxidative Damage in Lung of Rats: Light Microscopic and Biochemical Study. İsmail Zararsız, İlter Kuş, Neriman Çolakoğlu, Hıdır Pekmez, H. Ramazan Yılmaz, Mustafa Sarsılmaz Pages 105 - 112 |
2. | The Examination of Morphological Changes in Stomach of Autonomic Denerved Rats Necat Koyun, Nihat Ekinci Pages 113 - 118 |
3. | Revision Operations For Hemorrhage After Open Heart Surgery Hasan Ekim, Veysel Kutay, Halil Başel, Erdal Turan, Abdüssemed Hazar, Melike Karadağ Pages 119 - 123 |
4. | Early and Mid-Term Results of Surgical Treatment for Atrial Septal Defect in Patients With Various Ages Hasan Ekim, Veysel Kutay, Mustafa Tuncer, Abdüssemed Hazar, Halil Başel, Melike Karadağ Pages 124 - 127 |
5. | The Prevalence of Short Stature, Underweight and Obesity in Schoolchildren in Diyarbakir, Turkey Aydın Ece, Ali Ceylan, Bünyamin Dikici, Meki Bilici, Mehmet Davutoğlu Pages 128 - 136 |
6. | Investigation of Rubella IgG and IgM antibodies by Elisa in women at the reproductive period S. Aslıhan Cengiz, Lügen Cengiz, Ebru Us, A. Tevfik Cengiz Pages 137 - 140 |
7. | The Results Of Cardiac Catheterization In Our Clinic During One Year Period Mustafa Tuncer, Beyhan Eryonucu, Şükrü Aslan, Hasan Ali Gümrükcüoğlu, Derya Karaca Pages 141 - 146 |
8. | A rare complication of internal jugular vein cannulation: jugular-carotid arteriovenous fistula. A case report Hayriye Sayarlıoğlu, Ekrem Doğan, Ömer Etlik, Cevat Topal, Reha Erkoç Pages 147 - 148 |
9. | Pathojial Spleen Rüpture in Chronic Lenfhocytic Leukeu: A Case Report Cengiz Demir, İmdat Dilek, Mustafa Kösem, Çetin Kotan Pages 149 - 151 |
10. | Penetran Head Injury Rarely Caused by Glass: Case Report Nebi Yılmaz, Nejmi Kıymaz, Çiğdem Mumcu, Cahide Yılmaz, Ömer Etlik Pages 152 - 154 |
11. | New Methods in The Early Diagnosis Of Carpal Tunel Syndrome Hızır Ulvi, Remzi Yiğiter, Recep Aygül, Asuman Orhan Varoğlu Pages 155 - 160 |