In this study, activities of certain enzymes such as erythrocyte Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) and Glutathione Peroxidase (GSH-Px), plasmic Glutathione Reductase (GR) and Catalase were examined and compared between asthmatic patients and normal induviduals. Plasma levels of Melatonin were also examined and compared. Among all these measurements, activities of erythrocyter enzymes SOD and GSH-Px were found significantly different. Activities of these enzymes were significantly lower in patient with bronchıal asthma than Control Group with (t=-2.19, p=0.013) and (t=-2.53, p=0.015) respectively. On the other hand, positive correlation were found between plasma melatonin rates and erythrocyter GSH-Px activities of asthmatic patients (r=0.5721, p=0.0036). Anti-oxidant response that have been developed against the patologies involved asthma bronchiale may account for the impairment in activities of the enzymes mentioned above.
Keywords: Asthma Bronchiale, Erythrocyte Süperoxide Dismutase and Glutathione Peroxidase, Plasma Glutathione Reductase and Catalase and Melatonin.Bu çalışmada bronşiyal astımlı hastaların ve kontrol grubunun eritrositlerinde süperoksit dismutaz (SOD), glutatyon peroksidaz (GSH-Px), plazma glutatyon redüktaz (GR), katalaz (CAT) enzim aktiviteleri ve plazma melatonin düzeyleri incelendi. Bronşiyal astımlı hastalarda eritrosit SOD (t=-2.19, p=0.013) ve GSH-Px (t=-2.53, p=0.015) aktiviteleri kontrol grubuna göre anlamlı olarak düşük bulunurken diğer sonuçlar arasında anlamlı bir fark bulunmadı. Diğer taraftan hasta grubunun melatonin ve GSH-Px düzeyleri arasında pozitif bir ilişki (r=0.5721, p=0.0036) bulundu. Bronşiyal astımlı hastaların eritrosit SOD ve GSH-Px enzim aktivitelirindeki azalmanın gelişen antioksidan yanıtın bir göstergesi olduğu kanatine varıldı.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Bronşiyal Astım, Eritrosit Süperoksit Dismutaz, Glutatyon Peroksidaz, Plazma Glutatyon Redüktaz, Katalaz, Melatonin