INTRODUCTION: Aim: In this study, it is aimed to find the brain territories mostly involved with ischemic stroke patients coming for emergency service.
METHODS: Materials and Methods: MR results of 75 patients were retrospectively analyzed via computer records.
RESULTS: Results: The majority of the patients were female (52%). Left hemisphere was involved more 54.7% (n=41). Parietal lobe %22.8(n=29) was the most affected area..
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: Conclusion: Mostly affected ischemic area of the brain is the parietal lobe whereas the least affected area is the capsule interna. It can be possible to generalize the results if this study is to be expanded
GİRİŞ ve AMAÇ: Amac: Bu calismada acil servise gelen iskemik felci olan hastalarin en sik tutulan beyin bolgelerini bulmak amaclanmistir.
YÖNTEM ve GEREÇLER: Gerec ve Yontemler: 75 hastanin MR sonuclari retrospektif olarak bilgisayar kayitlarindan incelendi.
BULGULAR: Bulgular: Hastalarin cogunlugu %52(39) kadindi. Sol hemisfer % 54.7(n=41) daha cok tutulmustu.Parietal lob %22.8(n=29) en cok tutulan alandir.
TARTIŞMA ve SONUÇ: Sonuc: Beynin en cok iskemik alani parietal lob iken en az kapsula internadir.Daha fazla hasta uzerinde calismakla bir genellemeye gitmek mumkun olacaktir.