1. | Cervical and Breast Cancer Screening Program Results of Van Cancer Early Diagnosis, Screening and Training Center Zehra Kurdoğlu, Mertihan Kurdoğlu, Gökçe Kundakçı Gelir, Özgür Keremoğlu Pages 119 - 123 |
2. | Analysis of Adolescent Pregnancy at the District of Van Recep Yıldızhan, Ali Kolusarı, Tamer Edirne, Ertan Adalı, Şerafettin Erol, Mertihan Kurdoğlu, Zehra Kurdoğlu Pages 124 - 127 |
3. | Seroprevalence of Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, and Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infections at Women in Van. Zehra Kurdoğlu, Şirin Efe Pages 128 - 130 |
4. | Sexual Abuse of Children in the Van Region Abdullah Ceylan, Oğuz Tuncer, Mehmet Melek, Cihangir Akgün, Fahrettin Gülmehmet, Ömer Erden Pages 131 - 134 |
5. | Child Death Because of Home Accident and Medical Malpractice: Case Report Nurşen Turan, İsmail Birincioğlu, Muhammet Can Pages 135 - 138 |
6. | Coexistence of Purulent Pericarditis and Thoracic Empyema (A case report) Hasan Ekim, Dolunay Odabaşı, Mustafa Tuncer, Bulent Özbay Pages 139 - 142 |
7. | A Case of Late Diagnosed Traumatic Diaphragmatic Rupture Ufuk Çobanoğlu, Muhammed Can Pages 143 - 146 |
8. | Chest Trauma and Hemothorax in Childhood Mehmet Melek, Ufuk Çobanoğlu Pages 147 - 150 |